Here you can find a list of current and past ifmo publications for download. In case of any information on the content of a study, please email the individual study contact person. For all press enquiries please contact Dr. Irene Feige.
The Future of Mobility - Scenarios for the United States in 2030
The presented report focuses on longterm scenarios for passenger travel in the U.S., which includes travel by car, transit, domestic air, and intercity rail. Long-term scenarios in this area are multilayered and complex, being influenced by demographics, economics, energy, transportation funding and supply, and technology. How these forces play out over the next 20 years will depend on whether and how policymakers and other decisionmakers sort out and address current and upcoming challenges. Although we cannot know these outcomes in advance, we can apply scenario planning to develop plausible mobility futures that can be used to anticipate and prepare for change.
Project Partner:
The RAND Corporation
Washington D.C.
Liisa Ecola- RAND Transportation, Space, and Technology Program
The RAND Corporation
Washington D.C.
Liisa Ecola- RAND Transportation, Space, and Technology Program
Publisher: | ifmo & RAND, Munich October 2013 | |
Contact: | Dr. Peter Phleps Dr. Irene Feige |
ifmo-Team |